Metagenomic Sequencing
We apply our experience and scale to provide professional, fast and highly affordable metagenomic sequencing services utilizing whole genome shotgun sequencing. Contact us today with any questions or for a no obligation quote.
Metagenomic Sequencing Introduction
BGI Genomics‘ Metagenomic Sequencing service applies whole-genome shotgun sequencing of DNA directly recovered and isolated from complex environmental or human sample types, including the gastrointestinal tract, soil, and water.
Metagenomic Sequencing provides information on species composition and abundance, functional genes, gene differences between samples, and metabolic pathways. It is a rich data resource for mining for bioactive products such as novel enzymes and other biocatalysts.
Our sequencing scale and proprietary technology ensure highly competitive pricing, while our extensive experience across a vast range of metagenomics projects ensures our experts are able to provide custom bioinformatics solutions that can help elucidate the relationship between host-associated microbial communities and host phenotype.
Decades of experience, with millions of metagenomic samples processed.
Guaranteed data quality at competitive pricing enabled by proprietary technology.
Rapid turnaround times and expert project support.
Metagenomic Sequencing Service Overview
Sample Requirements
Regular Samples:
Intact genomic DNA ≥ 200ng (Recommend ≥ 400ng)
Concentration ≥ 8ng/μL
Volume ≥ 15μL
Low Input Samples:
Intact genomic DNA ≥ 10ng
Concentration ≥ 2.5 ng/μL
Volume ≥ 15μl
Sequencing Standards
• PE100 or PE150
• Guaranteed 80% of bases with quality score of Q30
• Sequencing data depend on sample types.Please contact BGI for recommendation.
Key Service Details
• Typical 18 working days from sample QC acceptance to filtered raw data availability
• Expedited services are available, contact your local BGI specialist for details
• Reports and output data files are delivered in industry standard file formats: BAM, .xls, .png and FASTQ data.
Unique DNBSEQ™ Sequencing Technology
BGI Genomics‘ Metagenomic Sequencing services are typically executed with proprietary DNBSEQ™ sequencing technology platforms for great sequencing data at some of the lowest costs in the industry. DNBSEQ™ offers advantages in terms of lower amplification error rates and much lower duplication rates in WGS/WES applications. In addition, studies have shown a lower index hopping rate in DNBSEQ™ platforms.

Contact us with any general enquiries or questions for our sequencing experts, we are here to help.

Access Further Sequencing Resources
We care for your samples from the start through to the result reporting. Highly experienced laboratory professionals follow strict quality procedures to ensure the integrity of your results. Access more sequencing resources below for full access to our range of educational resources and sample guides.